“Mwili mmoja na Roho moja.”  |  Imperfect Photography by Imperfect Martin  |  (Acts 2:1-4).

Facilitation and Speaking Engagements

Your Experience

Have you ever been frustrated with a Christian co-worker?  Ever found more politics in church (or parachurch) than in your secular workplace?  Considered leaving ministry because of differences in how you work?


Even though some say that they believe in God, not everyone follows Jesus Christ.  If we are honest with ourselves, no one actually does it all the time.  It is hard to find a situation where each party is willing to submit to God’s perspective.


This may be because they are headstrong and are convinced that their version of the truth is incontestable.  Or this may be because they are unwilling to hear others’ perspectives and see how they are not incompatible.  There are many reasons why the church is in disarray.  Whatever the case may be, we must not be distracted from fighting the enemy to the point that we descend into fighting one another.

God's Truth

We are never to give up meeting with one another.  Praying for one another and meeting physical needs are both necessary.  And yet, we are never to suffer unnecessarily.


We are commanded to be humble.  God tells us that His gifts are to be shared for the common good.  Knowing one another’s conditions and placing one another’s interests above our own is a must.


The “we” that must heed the above even more than others are the teachers among us.  This is because we have been given eyes to see and ears to hear, and so we have a greater responsibility.  The first shall be last and the last shall be first.

ICHTHYSroe's Offer to You

ICHTHYSroe believes that we can have a win-win-win solution.  God is pleased when our interactions are grounded in His truth and to His specific commands.  You will not only be heard, but you will realize that you are being heard.  Your fellow Christian will find the relationship not only preserved but in such a way that he/she can be confident that you truly care about him/her and what you can do together in the future.


ICHTHYSroe Biblical counseling can help organizations and their employees in various ways:

  • Organizational culture (e.g., multiple intelligences, personality types, personal/professional ethics)
  • Team-building (e.g., roles & responsibilities, communication)
  • Managing stress (e.g., burnout, compassion fatigue, self-care)
  • Problem-solving (e.g., corporate, private)
  • Mediation (e.g., teams, individuals)

Our Areas to Explore

In the course of our time together (slowly, over weeks, months, or even years) we will consider:

  • Do all parties involved actually have the best interests of one another at heart?  How does each party perceive one another?
  • What happened from each party’s perspective?  What is at stake?
  • How did the conflict unfold from each party’s perspective?  What was the situation like before the precipitating event?  When did things escalate?
  • Who else was involved?  How was each party introduced to the situation?  How did each additional party add to the complexity of the situation?
  • Are there previous experiences with other people that are contributing to either party’s interpretation?
  • What is the underlying conflict?   What are the unseen opportunities and risks involved?  What are the associated or knock-on effects?
  • What will the relationship be like without any intervention?  What is the best-case scenario?  What is the worst-case scenario?  What are the go-forward possibilities?
  • How can we prevent these misunderstandings from repeating–both in this context and in any other areas/relationships of life?


Are you suggesting that I be a doormat?

No. As mentioned, we must aim for a win-win-win solution. This often requires reframing the situation so that you can see the conflict accurately and focus on the considerations that have priority; but you can be comforted that unnecessary sacrifice is avoided at all costs.

What if a person is triggered by one of your organizational sessions?

There is always a risk of trigger those who have pre-existing issues, whether it is through a specific interaction or in the course of their everyday lives. If this happens during a session, one of the facilitators will tend to the individual immediately while the rest of the group continues, so that there is minimal disruption to the group or internal pressures on the individual. The individual can then opt for further interventions on an individual basis.

Can we retain your services for ongoing mediation?

Yes, we would be happy to work with your human resources department to arrange a customized contract. However, please consult with your legal counsel as to whether mediation in the event of a labor dispute would be binding.

Can I record my sessions?

Some members ask to record their sessions. While we can accommodate this request, for facilitator and member(s) to review progress together and/or with a member of the extended care team (pastors, supervisors, consultants), they are only to be done in a spirit of mutual affection and sanctification.


Team-Building Workshops

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    Organizations Grants

