“Learning to Do What Appears Impossible.”  |  Imperfect Photography by Imperfect Ronnie  |  (Luke 21:1-4; Acts 4:32-35; Phil 4:10-13, 14-15, 17-20).

Consultations, Supervision, and Mentorships

Your Experience

Whether you are on paid staff as a professional missionary, pastor, elder, deacon, counselor, psychologist, social worker, marriage/family therapist, or educator—or called by God to volunteer at a church, parachurch, or secular ministry setting—the helping profession is a noble endeavor.  Earning a master’s degree or perhaps even a doctorate is a monumental achievement while working and/or raising a family.  Whether you went to seminary for an M.Div or an M.A. in Counseling, or to a secular program for mental health counseling, social work, or marriage and family therapy, God has given you the heart to care for others.

You’re eager to help.  Not only do you hate the idea of the imposter syndrome, but you love the feeling of being anointed by God to serve Him by loving His people.

The question is: how can I be further equipped to mature fully in Him and become an approved worker capable of handling His truths?

God's Truth

God calls us to serve His people, for all to be royal priests interceding for one another. Equipping for the work of ministry means that Biblical clinicians have the desire to attain knowledge of Jesus and mature to His fullness in order to properly handle His Word of truth, speaking it in love so that others are equipped and working as God designed to/in love.

He gives us undershepherds who are brothers/sisters-in-Christ called to be one body, where members actually want to suffer/rejoice with one another.

ICHTHYSroe's Offer to You

ICHTHYSroe can come alongside you with Biblical clinicians who have excelled at the master’s and doctorate levels—while loving their spouses/children and broader communities.


Mentoring moves clinicians from theoretical classroom instruction to practical real-life application. If you are a PhD/PsyD candidate, we advise you through a hands-on dissertation process (including research design/writing).


If you are in a CACREP-accredited program, we help you analyze/treat DSM-5 diagnoses from a Biblical perspective or pass the National Counselor Exam (NCE) and the Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination (CPCE). If you are a seminarian, we help you fulfill Applied Ministry Program (AMP) or field experience requirements. If you are a pastor or leader in the marketplace, we mentor you through all spheres of influence.

Our Areas to Explore

In the course of our time together (slowly, over weeks, months, or even years) we will consider:

  • What made you first consider entering into the “helping profession?”  What is your long-term career aspiration?
  • What got you through those years earning your master’s degree?  What motivated you to go on to get a doctorate?
  • What was the sign that you should be equipped at a seminary?  What is the purpose that you see in getting an M.Div or an M.A. in Biblical Counseling?
  • What have the opportunities and challenges been for you in going for licensure?  What is most attractive to you about getting a degree in mental health counseling, vis à vis social work, vis à vis marriage/family therapy?
  • How can we improve your compassion satisfaction?  Which protective factors can promote greater resiliency in your practice?
  • How do you see your professional and personal identities in light of one another?
  • Which cases trigger your own struggles the most?


Why get clinical supervision to be a Biblical counselor when I've read the Bible?

Knowing God’s truth is one thing—applying it is another. We will connect you with an undershepherd to help you connect the dots between Biblical truth and practical application. A mentor can help you be not only book-smart, but also street-smart. Your supervisor's mission will be to magnify your strengths and nurture your capacity to counsel wisely.

Do you just give opinions on a case by case basis?

We can provide consultations to broaden views of systemic issues as well as deepen insight of specific counselees.

What is consultation?

Consultation is case-specific insight. You describe the client and we help you determine the appropriate case conceptualization and treatment planning approach.

What is supervision?

Supervision is counselor formation. You get someone who will help you check and fine-tune everything you do as a clinician (both content and process). This can include either in vivo, video/audio recording, or written case reviews.

What is mentoring?

Mentoring is the ultimate form of coaching, where you receive not only consultation and supervision, but also the dedication of a professional who will purposefully and proactively curate a development for you.

Can I record my sessions?

Some members ask to record their sessions. While we can accommodate this request, for facilitator and member(s) to review progress together and/or with a member of the extended care team (pastors, supervisors, consultants), they are only to be done in a spirit of mutual affection and sanctification.


Professional Guidance

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    Clinicians Grants

