“Jesus is the Open Gate to the Mountain.”  |  Imperfect Photography by Imperfect Kaka  |  (John 10:9).

Counseling for Individuals

Your Experience

Do you struggle with getting out of bed, let alone going to church?  Or do you want to be free but feel like you’re caged?  Are you at wit’s end trying to find people who will acknowledge that life is hard even for Christians or will not blame you for everything “wrong” in your life?  Do you still believe in God, but are confused or angry that He can allow so much suffering to happen?


It’s hard to be happy or even know how to live practically when growing up in hard environments where people either make you feel like you’re nothing or expect more than you can reasonably give.  Then, the passion you once had for life, let alone any path to God’s purpose for you, is easily lost once you encounter your first challenges in early adulthood away from home.  By the time we get into our later adult years, we might know we need to change but still lack the motivation to grow.  Then, even when we have the motivation to grow, we might not have the skills to do it effectively.


These challenges threaten us from multiple fronts: at work, at home, or even in our own brains/bodies.  They come in the form of anger, sadness, fear, worry, shame, or guilt.  They overwhelm us and we do our best to get by, but the days pass by and nothing gets better on its own.  The simple things get hard and we can no longer function, feel positive feelings, or think rationally.  We need help.

God's Truth

The Christian faith is the only one where God tells us that we are not alone.  God is the One who goes before us, walks alongside us, and is our rearguard.  God the Father even loves us so much that He adopts us as His own children.  God the Son, Jesus Christ, even considers us His personal friends.  God, the Holy Spirit, has the express purpose of never leaving us alone without help or hope.


And what is more, our Triune God raises up brothers who are born for a time of adversity—not just when things are going well.  In fact, God tells us that there are friends who will stick closer than biological family, and encourages each one of us to be reliable for one another.  These are deep personal relationships where God and the family-of-Christ actually chooses to be there for one another, even/especially when it’s hard.

ICHTHYSroe's Offer to You

An ICHTHYSroe counselor can walk with you and guide you on God’s path to healing, change, and growth—even when it feels like your circumstances never change.  Even when no one else chooses to, we will.  We do this because we have been called by God to help you see His perspective and be who He created you to be by navigating the brokenness we experience in this world.


ICHTHYSroe Biblical counseling can help you regardless of your age, as you mature through the stages of individual development (e.g., early childhood, childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, middle adulthood, and late adulthood).  This can be helping you master each developmental goal as you progress from critical period to critical period, or this can be growing purposefully over a lifetime of navigating different spheres of influence (e.g., school, work, home, government, public square).


While we try not to label individual concerns because that risks broad-brushing your specific issues, some have found it useful to categorize our expertise according to the following clinical areas (alphabetized to show lack of ranking):

  • Emotional Dysregulation (e.g., anger, fear, guilt, sadness, shame, worry)
  • Developmental (e.g., attention-deficit hyperactivity, autism spectrum disorder, high performance)
  • Impulse-Control (e.g., behavioral/process addictions, eating disorders,  obsessions/compulsions, substance abuse)
  • Grief & Loss (e.g., ambiguous [missing relationships], finite [deaths of loved ones], nonfinite [personal tragedies, career disappointments])
  • Lifestyle Challenges (e.g., career, passions, relationships, school)
  • Personality (e.g., borderline, narcissistic, obsessive-compulsive)
  • Traumatic Stress (e.g., acute, chronic, complex, developmental, intergenerational, societal oppression)

Our Areas to Explore

In the course of our time together (slowly, over weeks, months, or even years) we will consider:

  • How do you view yourself?  How do others view you?
  • What are the facets of cultural identity that have shaped your life experiences
  • (e.g., age, attraction, career, education, ethnicity, family, gender, geography, neurodevelopment, religion, socioeconomic status)?
  • What is your overarching purpose in life?  What are your near/intermediate/long-term goals?
  • What challenges are you facing?  How have you been responding?
  • What relationships or communities are important to you?  How have you committed to and/or shaped them?  How have you been received?
  • What have your greatest successes been?  How were they achieved?
  • What have been your hardest challenges in life?  What have you learned from them?
  • What prevents you from growing?  What would motivate you to change?


Why should I get Biblical counseling when I already go to Sunday service?

Biblical counseling is different from the public ministry of where one listens to sermons, because that is receiving a lot of general wisdom that is designed to be applicable to the dozens, hundreds, or thousands of people in the audience. BIblical counseling is different because it is private one-on-one ministry where we take a specific Biblical truth or context and apply it directly to your life situation.

Why should I get Biblical counseling when I already have a pastor?

Biblical counseling can be provided by a clinically-trained pastor, and that can make Biblical counseling similar to pastoral counseling. However, most pastors have not received counseling training or simply do not have the time to provide it given their primary responsibilities in preaching. In some cases, this can mean there is less time to deal with the practical aspects of implementing God's truth in your life.

Why should I get Biblical counseling when I already have a secular counselor?

As much as religion and spirituality (R/S) is enjoying something of a surge in popularity these days, secular counseling still considers God as simply a resource to be tapped into. There is also the added risk of sinking deeper into your struggles when you are led by someone who either believes in something contrary to your own beliefs, or is reliant upon you for your version of the truth.

How is Biblical counseling different from Christian counseling or counselors who are Christians?

Counseling in any form differs based on the individual counselor's training, and so Biblical counseling as we practice it, will be markedly different from pastoral counseling or even some other forms of Christian counseling. In an oversimplification, there are some counselors who believe in Jesus but neither read the Bible nor are guided by its truths in their approach. Others are more intentional about leaving their faith at the door in what is taught in secular programs as ``bracketing`` of personal beliefs. Still others practice varying levels of integration from no overlap to complete overlap. (See sections on Theories and Treatments for a deeper look.)

I believe in the Bible, but am fine with secular/Christian therapy. Can I still be a member and get subsidized counseling?

Member care is not a low-cost alternative to secular/Christian therapy. The determining factor should be the type of care that would serve you best, which informs the type of relationship you are seeking. There is little point in receiving either Biblical counseling or secular/Christian therapy if you are seeking the other, even if it costs less money, because it will ultimately produce different results in a manner that is neither aligned to your personal preferences or the type of helping relationship you are seeking.

How many counseling sessions will I need to invest in?

Counseling duration is highly dependent upon your issues and the approach you select, as well as the motivation or resistance that manifests. We steer clear of estimates for this reason, but you can generally expect to have measurable progress in some facets within each session. Most of our counselees see progress in stages, with stabilization in the first phase, then healing, followed by growth that endures for years.

How often do we meet and how long does each session last?

Sessions are typically weekly and 50 minutes in length, but this is arbitrary in nature and simply a construct to set expectations and have a regular cadence to commit to (which breeds both discipline and reassurance). There may be weeks where your situation necessitates extra time, and there is grace for that. Also, it is often useful for the first session to be a double session given the extra demands of conducting an intake assessment.

How flexible is scheduling?

We provide white-glove service for people with busy schedules (e.g., executives, stay-at-home parents) and therefore understand that flexibility is not at odds with dedication to making sessions. For members, who have a track record of commitment, we share unlimited mercy and grace. For clients, we offer on-demand scheduling that can be expected to parallel other professional arrangements in their lives. Both are examples of shared expectations that foster greater self-awareness and common understandings.

What is your cancellation policy?

While we are a non-profit ministry and do not ask for fees from members, standard industry practice is for late cancels (within 48 hours) and no-shows to be billed. This is because (a) counseling is much less effective at lower levels of commitment/discipline on the part of the counselee, and (b) missed appointments have real opportunity cost for the counselor (if we book a hotel room but are out all night and don’t use it, do we still pay?).

Can I record my sessions?

Some members ask to record their sessions. While we can accommodate this request, for facilitator and member(s) to review progress together and/or with a member of the extended care team (pastors, supervisors, consultants), they are only to be done in a spirit of mutual affection and sanctification.


Individual Counseling

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    Individual Grants

