“Breakfast at Kinsey’s.”  |  Imperfect Photography by Imperfect Ronnie  |  (Matthew 10:41-42).

Evidence-Based Practices

Your Experience

Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) are de rigeur.  In other words, it’s fashionable to want treatments that have been scientifically proven to work.  Unfortunately, this means two things that are obvious when thought about, but not often thought about:

  1. the treatments that are standardized for easy replication are given preference by the healthcare industry, over the ones that are customized to you for your specific situation even while we all know that you and your situtation are unique
  2. the treatments that are commercially profitable (i.e., lowest cost) are given preference by the healthcare industry because the random clinical trials necessary to provide sufficient evidence are funded by for-profit companies (typically big drug companies)

God's Truth

God says that He created you lovingly, wonderfully, and painstakingly.  He says that you are royal children of the Lord Almighty.  He knows your particular name and He knows the specific number of hairs on your head.


In that case, He wants you to have the best treatment possible for you, and not something available off-the-shelf to be efficiently prescribed for the masses.


At the same time, that means treatment must be of the highest quality and meet the most stringent specifications as represented by significant practice-based evidence (PBE).

ICHTHYSroe's Offer to You

At ICHTHYSroe, we believe that the best examples of PBE have been provided over thousands of years of testing–a much larger and robust testing period and long before the contemporary psychotherapies began coming and going out of favor and coming back again.


These best examples of PBE are ultimately found in the content of Biblical wisdom delivered through a loving process (this application risks being bungled by the well-intentioned [leading to church trauma], which is why having a God-gifted, clinically-trained professional is preferred).


Our staff are qualified only because we humbly recognize our limitations and submit ourselves as willing instruments in the Great Counselor’s hand–constantly striving to be further equipped as His approved workers handling His specific truth for you in particular.

Our Areas to Explore

God continues to refine our appreciation for interpersonal relationship skills.  This means that how we build rapport and administer so-called interventions (clinical speak for how we help you heal), can be continually improved.  Here is a sample of the latest clinical approaches that we as Biblical clinicians have been trained in for the express purpose of sifting for the grains of God’s truth to treat you wisely and lovingly.

  • Behavioral Therapy: to help those who know the truth but have felt powerless in the spiritual war with their flesh, to do the things that they don’t want to do (and not do the things that they want to do)
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: to help those who need to be freed from the deception of the enemy, to begin understanding things more clearly with the mind of Christ and not their own
  • Cognitive Processing Therapy: to help those who can not see any good in the inexplicable hardness of life, to reinterpret traumatic events from the lens of a redeemed child of God
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy: to help those who cannot tolerate being a broken person among broken people, to be mindful of the presence of Christ and see everyone and everything from His perspective 
  • Emotion-Focused Therapy: to help those who yearn to feel secure, to home in on their union with Christ more intensely than the attachment that they have (or have not had) with flawed humans
  • Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing: to help those who struggle with traumatic memories, to replace the enemy’s negative deceptions with the positive identities that come from our immanent Redeemer
  • Expressive Arts Therapy: to help those who can not speak the unspeakable, to articulate their feelings with the expressions of the Holy Spirit as He animates them
  • Internal Family Systems: to help those enmeshed in inner conflicts, to be the prodigal son who returns to be managed by God the Father
  • Narrative Therapy: to help those who do not accept their past/present, to see their parts in the unfolding context of God’s greater redemptive-historical story
  • Sensorimotor Treatment: to help those who have dissociated from reality as an embodied soul, to turn inward and experience the Holy Spirit in His holy temple 


Are you certified to do these treatments?

Our Biblical clincians have received the requisite training/certifications to administer these treatments as any licensed professional is required to do. However, full certfication typically requires submission to secular/worldly authorities instead of God and His inspired Word.

What are some of the places that you have trained at?

Beyond our degrees in renowned Christian academic institituions of higher learning (such as Westminster Theological Seminary and the Christian Counseling Educational Foundation `{`CCEF`}`), continuing education has been received at: National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN); National Human Trafficking Training & Technical Assistance Center; National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine; Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA); Trauma Research Foundation; Veterans Health Administration; etc (in alphabetical order).

Are you a eclectic therapist then?

No. Eclectic therapists are those who select/use whatever seems to work for a particular client. We are very methodical in terms of the interventions we apply, and while we obviously adjust as needed, there is a grand orchestration towards God's purpose for you.

So you are a Christian integrationist then?

No. Christian integrationists are those who bring theory and theology together, in order to heal you, without an express goal of moving you towards God's purpose for you.


Relational Mindfulness = Awareness of always existing coram Deo (in God's immanent and transcendent presence)


Growth Orientation = Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual Wellness


Godly Insight = Motivation for godly actions, cognitions, and emotions


Sample Treatments

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